I came across this book when buying Deep & Wide and was caught completely off guard because I didn’t know the book, Enemies of the Heart existed. To my knowledge, I have read everything written by Andy Stanley and was amazed that a book had made it past my radar. Anyway, I bought it along with D&W and put it in the queue to read later.
A couple of month’s pass and it is time for my next book. I go to the shelf and see that Enemies of the Heart has made it to the front of the line. I am delighted. Andy has a way of taking things I have known since I was a child and bringing them to life for me here and now in a fresh, new way. A couple of chapters into the book, I am feeling a bit of deja vu. I read a little further and I am sure that I have read these words before. I set the book down and get on the Internet to do some checking. Then, I find that the “new” book, Enemies of the Heart, was previously released as It Came from Within.