“In this timeless tale of two mortal princesses – one beautiful and one unattractive – Lewis reworks the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche into an enduring piece of contemporary fiction. This is the story of Orual, Psyche’s embittered and ugly older sister, who possessively and harmfully loves Psyche. Much to Orual’s frustration, Phyche is loved by Cupid, the god of love himself, setting the troubled Orual on a path of moral development.
Set against the backdrop of Glome, a barbaric, pre-Christian world, the struggles between sacred and profane love are illuminated as Orual learns that we cannot understand the intent of the gods ’till we have faces’ and sincerity in our souls and selves.”
While the above is a summary of fact about the book, it’s impression on me was much deeper – questions of faith and trust, morality and character, truth and lies, black and white all messed into a cloud of grey. I have identified with this book through the fact that at least one other person in this world has struggled to identify things that others appear to see clearly.